Scan Leads

SATIS EXPO provides me with a mobile application, for Android and iOS, allowing me to scan my visitors' badges (included in my registration), manage my leads and those of my colleagues.

To take advantage of this, simply download the EventMaker Companion application, available in all stores, or download it by scanning the QR-Code in step 1
Step 1

I scan the QR-Code (App store)

I scan the QR-Code (App store)


I launch the EventMaker Companion application from my smartphone.
There are two ways to connect:

The first one:
  • I enter the email address with which I am registered:
  • I receive a confirmation code on this email address
  • My account is associated. I can then start using the application.
The second one:
  • I scan the QR-Code below
  • My account is associated. I can then start using the application.

Eventmaker KeepTrack

Download Eventmaker KeepTrack app


Login with the QR code

Manual Badge reader